Drive Safely Guide

How to drive safely? The following steps can be followed:

• As temperatures rise, do not immediately open the radiator cap. Because the radiator when the water pressure high. Dangerous because if forced open under high pressure, can be sprayed into your face. Once cool, open slowly by using cloth, lift, so the wind out little by little. Until there's no pressure, we open new.

• Motorists need to know about car engines, at least know what is stated in the manual book. For example, in increments of 5000 km you should be changing the oil and so forth.

• Do not put the phone on the dashboard, because it could attract criminal activity.

• When refueling at a gas station, make sure valuables are located safely in the vehicle and the vehicle locked.

• When driving at night, you should turn on the front and rear lights from sunset until sunrise. If your car breaks down, make sure other drivers can see you and your vehicle can be avoided. Turn on hazard lights and get out of street sports. Avoid stopping just after reaching the top of the hill or bend.

• In case of damage to the car that you can not tanggulangi own, contact the family or close friends to be asked for help. Or contact the nearest authorized repair shop. Therefore, keep emergency phone numbers in your cell phone. While waiting for help, sit quietly in the car, lock the door, do not talk to strangers.

• Always park the vehicle in a crowded area. If parking in official places, park the vehicle near the exit, entrance or near the security guard. Parking a vehicle with a position that allows you to get out of there as soon as possible. Memorized Always lock the door and the vehicle parking area

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